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The Magic Tool REGULAR comes with two types of pliers, complete instructions, and 3 small wooden cleats. They will allow you to define the ideal size of the synthetic materials (such as Flashabou or Crystal Flash) that you will use.

The Magic Tool is undoubtedly an essential accessory for all fly tyers. It will allow you to tie many types of flies using very different materials that were difficult (or even impossible) to bring together before the invention of this little tool. And you will see that you will be able to create totally original and unique models, even those that you had never dared to dream of. Mixing natural materials and synthetic materials (rigid or soft) is becoming a reality and a whole new world of assembly is now available to you.

3 tables (28, 35 and 45 mm)
2 clamps (45, 55 mm)
3 small wooden cleats (10, 12, 15 mm)
Delivered with complete Instructions for Use


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